Team Thailand along with many other farangs (thai for tourists) are bunkered up in a hot sticky internet café waiting to board a ferry to Koh Tao in a few hours. Koh Tao is the best dive island in Thailand and I plan to finish off my certification there. We just left Bottle Beach, my home for the last week. I loved Bottle Beach and wonder if I’ll return there when I’m back in Thailand in March. We were treated well by the staff, and met many like minded travelers. It’s hard to fathom the friendliness of the Thai people I have met so far. Life here is so simple as compared to our western lives. No flushing toilets, no television, no hot showers. My experience at Bottle beach set the bar high for the rest of my trip. The Full Moon Party a couple of nights ago was impressive -- imagine partying with 5 to 6 thousand people on the beach at once. I knew we were in trouble when I saw some fellow partygoers jump through a ring of fire. Luckily, we escaped the party with a slight hangover, and without injury.
Ya but did you escape STD free!
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