Sawadee (Hello) from Thailand

By my own doing, I stranded myself at the airport. I misread my itinerary the night before and I missed my flight by two hours. I took a moment to get angry, and frustrated with myself. Then, I got my composure together, and eventually weighed out all the options. Although I could get to Seoul on my original ticket, I couldn’t reserve a ticket to get to Bangkok. All the flights from Seoul to Bangkok were sold for two weeks sold. I really screwed up. In Amazing Race fashion, I ran around the airport to ticketing booths with the help my parents looking for a next available flight to Bangkok. I eventually found one-way ticket to Bangkok at a discounted standby rate. This option got me into Bangkok earlier than my original ticket. As I sat on the bench, I promised myself I wouldn’t think about this anymore.
At 700, I land in Koh Samui just in time eat some breakfast. I take a fast ferry to Koh Phangan. Then travel overland across the island, and get finally get to Bottle Beach on a longboat operated by some shifty Thais. No lifejackets on board, and the boat ride was overpriced. I eventually settle into a bungalow facing the ocean with two double beds for 12 bucks a night. White sand and clear blue water of the ocean is now at my doorstep.
Bottle beach is secluded area on Koh Phangan. The only way to get here is by foot, boat or 4x4. A perfect place to catch up on my jet lag. There is no internet access at the beach and no telephones. The setup reminds me of a movie/book called the Beach starring Leo DiCapario. The first time I walk into the lobby I’m getting checked out by the regulars, or farang (tourists) the Thai would say. I’ve learned over the last few days there are free- spirited farang that come to Bottle Beach that stay there for months without leaving.
Today is Thursday, and Team Thailand is uniting forces today. It’s been a struggle to communicate with Dan and Harvey without the internet. I didn’t know they were arriving today at 1200 until I checked my email a few minutes ago. It’s 1500, and I’m no where near Bottle Beach right now. I’ve spent the last few days socializing, learning some basic Thai, resting in my hammock, and hiking. In fact, I just hiked an hour and half to get to use the internet! I have lost myself in the jungle a few times, and have been chased off the trails by stray dogs and animals. Thank goodness I got my rabies shots! Aside from burning my shoulders, and the regular barrage of mosquito bites at dusk and dawn, I’m as happy as can be. I'm in Thailand now!!
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