Last minute prep

I'm finally getting on to the packing stage of my trip. I recently recieved a link to a website ( that recommends items to take on a trip based on user requested parameters like temperature, duration of trip, location, etc. I pasted the results from the website into a spreadsheet, then I categorized each item, so I could sort through easily. This site is definitely worth a look if you are planning for any vacation.
My neighbors are also going to Thailand to meet up with Megan, Robyn's twin, and her boyfriend, Aaron. Robyn, Jimmy are leaving for Thailand early next week. We are all planning to meet in Koh Samui before the Full Moon Party on the 14th.
I booked my first night accomodation at a guesthouse that recieved a great review in my guidebook called the Shanti Lodge ( I booked a dorm with hostel-style bunks for 100 baht, or $2.84 Canadian.
I arrive in Bangkok at 0000 on 9th. If the jet lag doesn't wipe me out completely, I will leave for the island of Koh Samui by overnight train the next day.
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