Pics from Cambodia

A pile of human remains left at the Killing Fields

The Killing Tree against which Executioners beat children. The children in the behind the tree were begging us to take picture of them in front of the tree for money.

The craters in the picture are mass graves that were excavated. The stupa in the background was erected in memory of the people that died there.

A sign at the start of the Killing Fields. 8985 victims spread between 86 mass graves.

There are thousands of skulls in the stupa. Hard to believe each skull represents is a person.

More skulls inside the stupa. Children, women, men mixed together.

S-21, a former high school, detainment center for the Khmer Rouge, and now museum. It looks normal from the outside.

Thousands of individual pictures of the prisoners that were detained at S-21.

A night out in Siaoukville

The piece of ice is called an ice sled. Shots are poured from the top. Emma here just finished her fifth shot, and I was getting ready for another.

Angkor Wat just after sunrise

Bird's Eye view of Angkor Wat

Byron at Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat Buddha

Angkor Wat

Trees at Angkor Wat

The famous Tomb Raider tree, made famous by the first Tomb Raider movie

Sunset at Angkor Wat

Four of us in the back of a taxi. We just listened to the Cambodian verison of Jump Around!

Sunset over the Mekong River in Kratie, Cambodia

The Cambodian border crossing

Welcome to Laos. Border 10m just ahead.
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